Drones are all over the news lately. From crashing firework shows to peeping into high rise apartment windows, they’re everywhere. The question is –do they have a place in your business?
Well, currently, the FAA has banned drones (other than for personal use) from U.S. airspace. The problem nowadays is that commercial drones and personal drones are often the exact same devices. So, the FAA has to figure out the purpose of any given drone flying around according to current legislation. However, we already have big companies like Amazon planning on using drones to deliver packages and BP who are using drones with cameras and sensors to monitor their pipelines, roads, and equipment at Prudhoe Bay. Since we know that several big companies, like Amazon and BP, are working to develop their business around drones in the future –let’s play “what if”.
What if the laws change and commercial drone use becomes legal and regulated? Should your company incorporate drone use into your business plan? Would they benefit you? How could they benefit you?
A few ideas…
Overseeing conditions in remote locations that are tough to monitor
Fighting fires
Photographing events
Dusting and analyzing crops
Conducting tours (ex: MIT drones doing campus tours)
Providing security support by monitoring facilities for intrusion or theft
Scoping out a location or facility (for both you and your customers)
Helping real estate agents film sweeping home tours
Providing a view for news organizations and filmmakers
Delivering packages
Enabling the internet hotspots where there was not previously a signal
As with most things, these suggestions vary extremely from point to point. Does your business fit into any of these bullet points? The main idea here is that if the FAA does regulate commercial drone use –the sky is the limit. No pun intended.
This may very well change the way we do business. For instance, if you can deliver product via drone, will companies need to continue going through the middle man (UPS) or will they start packaging and sending to your door themselves? Also, what other uses do you see drones equipped for in the future?
After seeing how many jobs can, and most likely will, be replaced by drones –is this the best option for us and our economy? I guess the cost savings to businesses will have to be weighed against the value of having actual human beings working those positions. What’s your opinion?
I guess the big question really is –do you believe that drones should in fact be regulated for commercial use or banned altogether?