In the big wide world of content marketing, there are a few misconceptions that people have. Even though the practice is ever changing and evolving –there are a few myths that need to be debunked.  For those just starting out in the content marketing game, these myths may prevent them from succeeding.

Your Industry Doesn’t Fall into the “Content Marketing” Category


I have clients from A to Z with every sort of business in between. You have the opportunity to create valuable content for your customers no matter what industry you’re in.  The key is finding out who your target audience is and what information they need or want to know.

Content Marketing is a New Trend


Content marketing has been around since long before the internet was here. This may not sound like a dangerous myth, but when you consider how many amazing examples of content marketing there have been over the years –you’ll see that it’s important to know that it’s been around for a long time. People should use those examples as stepping stones for their own strategies moving forward. By all means –break the mold. However, learning from past successes and failures is a huge tool to have.

Content Marketing = Creating Content


Just because you create content, doesn’t mean that you are practicing content marketing.  That’s only 50% of the arrangement.  You could be creating killer (or terrible) content, but if you don’t have an effective content marketing strategy –it’s all been a waste of time.  How are your customers going to find this valuable content you’ve created for them? How are you driving traffic to your business or otherwise making your content work for you? What is the point of spending time, energy, and money in creating content if it’s not working for your business?

What are some myths about content marketing that you’ve found to be false?  How do you think these myths hurt potential marketers? What is the most important part of content marketing, in your opinion? What are your thoughts? Comment below!