These days, if you aren’t on social media, you’re living in the dark ages.  For a business, social media marketing can translate into an incredible channel for connecting with customers, making yourself available to and getting your brand in front of those customers, and eventually will translate those connections into conversions – one way or another.  It’s too valuable a tool not to be using.  In fact, even if you don’t see the benefit of using social media, I can go on and on about the consequences of not being on social media or in having a very poorly taken care of social media presence. 

Enter the social media marketing consultant.

What can they do for you?  What is the big deal for you?  What is the benefit to your business?  How do you justify the cost?  Well, let me break it down for you.

What can they do for you?

Well, a multitude of things.  In a nutshell social media marketers will: clean up any existing accounts you may have (or start new accounts if you don’t have any yet), they will assess which additional channels your business should be on, they will update your entire online presence from claiming your listing on sites like yelp and google+ to responding to online reviews and correcting your contact info (and everything in between), they will connect with your customers and post for you on a regular basis with variety and dimension.  In a nutshell, a social media marketing consultant will enter that abandoned house, get the lights working, mop the floor, dust the furniture off, add food to the fridge, open the windows, and yell out to the town that you are open for business.

What is the big deal for you?

Let’s just say that if you don’t take the time to truly cultivate your online presence, you’re going to lose business in one way or another.  Posting to Facebook necessarily equal money in your pocket, but it does stop you from losing clients for sure.  A customer or client searching for a business is far more likely to interact with your business if you have an online presence.  If they are searching for your business, and your profiles are updated so sporadically that you can’t tell anyone is home –well, they may think that you’ve closed up shop.  People like knowing that they can connect with an actual person when they have a question or complaint.

What is the benefit to your business?

The benefits are honestly limitless.  This is the type of investment that you can measure in some ways and is harder to measure in others.  You can measure your increase in following numbers and in traffic to your site from these outlets.  Some benefits that are harder to measure are the increase trust people will feel with your brand knowing that someone is connecting with customers on a daily basis and available to address any concerns they may have.  These channels allow you new ways to advertise, run promotions, and get your name out there.  The benefits are huge and the cost for not keeping your social media channels updated consistently can also be huge.

How do you justify the cost?

The potential for conversions is there, social media marketing is more about the connection though.  You can absolutely run promotions, contests, and ads and add revenue that way.  What’s more though, is the persona that you are putting behind the brand.  You’re making a first impression.  It’s like someone visiting your office.  You don’t have a stack of garbage from last year sitting in the middle of the room or coffee that expired six months ago.  You want your social media platforms to be the same way.  A consultant will get everything cleaned up, current, and consistent for you.  There are so many possibilities for growth and revenue that come with social media marketing.  Too many to list.  Engaging with a social media marketing consultant is the smart next step.

Ready to learn more about social media marketing? Contact us at 862.438.5783 today!